Local Schools - Dyslexia Programs & FAQs

Information about the dyslexia programs in schools throughout Northwest Arkansas

Our purpose in providing this information is to offer our understanding to the frequently asked questions we receive from parents regarding the dyslexia programs and processes at their child’s school.

Each student’s dyslexia journey is unique. For families beginning that journey, it can feel very overwhelming and difficult to navigate. Our intention is to help parents and guardians by providing this information in an easily accessible and organized way.

We will continually update, improve and add to this section as we learn and develop more information.

Our perspective:

We believe that FPS has an excellent dyslexia program. They have 13 Certified Academic Language Therapists (CALT) which is the highest level of dyslexia teacher. Every elementary and middle school has a CALT on campus.

FPS primarily uses a curriculum called Take Flight for students that have moderate to severe dyslexia. This curriculum was developed by the Luke Waites Center for Dyslexia at Scottish Rite Hospital and is very effective. Learn more here!

Occasionally, FPS uses the Barton Reading and Spelling program for students that have mild dyslexia.

Our understanding of Fayetteville Public School’s general process:

Students with a reading assessment score below grade level receive “Tier 2” intervention and/or further testing. If testing shows characteristics of dyslexia, they will be placed in “Tier 3” intervention (dyslexia therapy). The majority of students in “Tier 3” intervention receive instruction using the Take Flight program. Students receive 45 minutes of therapy 5 days a week or 60 minutes of therapy 4 days a week.

Who do I contact at FPS with questions about my student?

Please contact Kelly Brown at kelly.brown@fayar.net. She is the Dyslexia Coordinator for the district. She has a lot of responsibilities so please give her 1-2 days to respond.

How does my student’s therapy at Nelms Dyslexia Center fit with the therapy they are also receiving at Fayetteville Public Schools?

Supporting your student is a team effort and Nelms Dyslexia Center works collaboratively with the dyslexia staff at FPS. We have a permission form that parents can sign, which allows us to share your student’s progress and work at Nelms Dyslexia Center with your student’s school teachers. At Nelms Dyslexia Center, we develop a therapy regime that complements the therapy students are receiving in school. We communicate regularly with your student’s dyslexia therapist in school.